Why should I book a professional décor stylist for my wedding or event?

This is a question that we get asked frequently and I am going to answer this for you so that you will be able to see the real impact a professional décor stylist can have on your wedding or event.

So you have your wedding or event booked and you need to add decoration to your venue to transform it into the vision you have, what is the next step I hear you say! Well that is simple get a professional décor stylist booked to do this for you.


The first thing you need to ensure is that the business you are booking are professional décor stylists and not just a prop hire business. Is there a difference you ask? Well yes there is a huge difference and here it is. A prop hire business will simply agree to hire to you a range of props or equipment that you wish to hire for the day and there are no consultations etc. involved in the process. You simply choose your items, pay your deposit, inform the business where you would like them set up and then nearer your date pay the balance. This all sounds fine, well yes indeed if that is what your looking for then great, however if you want a business to style your room for you, create your vision, support you along the way, provide recommendations for you, take away the stress from this side of your day then you need a professional décor stylist. A professional stylist will also be aware that virtually all set ups have to take place on the morning of the wedding or event and that collections maybe required in the early hours of the morning, this is all part of our job and not anything you need to worry about when booking a professional business.


Bubbles & Blossom are professional décor stylists and we are here to not just provide incredible décor to your wedding or event but we are here to support and guide you through the process. As with any business, each décor stylist will have their own way of working, however I am going to set out how we work and what we do.


At Bubbles & Blossom we meet with you either in person or virtually before you book with us so that you can get a feel for us as a business and we get to hear all about your wedding plans. This enables you to make an informed choice if we are the décor stylists for you. Of course we hope that you choose us and get booked into our diary. Once booked in you can relax as you have secured our services and it doesn't matter if you don't know exactly what you want in terms of décor when you book as we discuss this with you in much more detail around 4 months prior to your wedding or event. 


During the time from booking till our choices consultation we are always at the end of a message or phone to answer any question that you have..........at Bubbles & Blossom, there is no such thing as a silly question, so if you have a question please do ask!!! You can also send over to us any photos you have found for inspiration and we can add these to your file ready for consultation time. Around 6 months prior to your wedding or event we send you a questionnaire to really get a feel for how you want your décor to look like on the day. We then use this information to ensure that we can create any mock ups etc. at the consultation.


So it is now 4 months before your wedding or event and it is consultation time and this is the fun and exciting part, and it should be just that......FUN!!!!!! If you arrive with us feeling stressed about the décor, I can guarantee you that this will be gone by the time you leave your consultation with us. We will have your questionnaire with us and we check that the ideas on it are still correct and then we get to work. We show you in person  the choice of chair covers, show you the choice of sashes in your colour scheme and we fit those to the chair so you can see in person what your chair will look like. If we are doing your centrepieces for you, they are created in front of you so you can say yes you like it or can we change this, maybe even look at something completely different to what you thought you wanted. This is the beauty of our business, you get to see it, approve it months before your wedding. We can also provide you with advice of what works well and what maybe doesn't. If you have booked with a venue where we are preferred suppliers we can advise you of where items are best set up, show you photos of previous weddings we have styled at your venue. Again this helps you to envision your day at your venue.


You leave us with photos of what your décor will look like, albeit on a much smaller scale. Once all the décor is agreed that is your part done. It is again over to us to prepare everything, make arrangements with your venue for set up times, collection times and of course the set up on the day!!! We continue to be here for you for any last minute questions you may have, right up until the day before your wedding. On the day itself everything is set up exactly as agreed in your consultation with us. 


All you need to do is enjoy your preparations and then have the most amazing day!!!!